Re: NTLK Trouble Synching Dates

From: peter brigg (
Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 09:01:12 CDT

Brad Handler wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been synching my Newton 2100 with Claris Organizer 2.0 on my
> Mac once a week as a backup for quite sometime. Yesterday I received
> an error along the following: Unable to complete operation to due
> import/export failure.
> This happens after the Newton goes through listing the first portion
> of the Dates calendar. To troubleshoot, I deselected Dates from the
> Synch preferences to see if I could still synch Names, Notes and To
> dos. They all synch fine. I also performed a straight backup, no
> problem. I increased the available memory from 15 MB to 29 MB just to
> be sure. No luck. Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions?
> Also, no new applications loaded onto this Newton in the past week.
> Thanks in advance,
> ***************************************

I have a lot of exactly the same troubles. I've hit on a strategy of sorts based on the fact that it seems to be what you have entered on the desktop machine that causes the glitches:

1. I designate one machine as up to date and update the other one using the advanced options in the synchronization settings to choose the direction.

2. If the Newton is completely up to date then create a new blank Organiser file and dump everything to it. That almost always works.

3. If the desktop is up to date try exporting the contents of the desktop file USING TAB & RETURN as the formatting option. Then create a new organiser file and import back from that
file, obviously using tab & return for the import. Now try to synch the new file to the Newton.

I am pretty sure that the use of banners in organiser spooks the synch, and quite possibly so do too many recurring dates. There may also be problems with overlapping appiontments

I am almost certain that Steve Jobs tried synching a 2100 to a desktop on the morning he decided to kill the Newton forever. Along with you, Brad, i would really welcome any other
suggestions for getting this seriously flawed aspect of the newton to work more smoothly.


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