NTLK Newsgroup Software For The Newton

From: Ermin Mistica (angel316@earthlink.net)
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 22:22:00 CDT

Hello Fellow Newtonytes,
I just wanted to know if there was software around that would allow Newton
to access Newsgroup letters. I just subscribe to the Newton Newsgroups and
wanted to know how I can take them with me.

Also wanted to say thank you to Laurent for letting me know about
VoiceNotes by ModaSys. I just registered their software for taking notes.
What I love about it is that it's compatible with the eMate. All I need
now is a microphone.

Ermin Mistica

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors
to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected
in common hours." (Thoreau)

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