NTLK Re:RAM prices (cent-tech)

From: Brian McEwen (brian@bmcewen.cvm.okstate.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 19 2000 - 10:57:33 CDT

I've received a reply back from Cent-Tech. about the linear flash ram pricing.

The sales person I'm emailing with at Cent-Tech is able to give a break on
the card price (significantly lower than first mentioned, but still a
little high compared to Tima Sci and others (but- these latter don't always
have stock on hand to sell, and Cent-Tech does). The cards DO however have
a 1 year warranty, which could be worth a bit extra vs. other places that
might be selling you something used or without a warranty, albeit at a
cheaper price.

Debbie Bezjian

is the person you should contact for price quotes. She asked me not to
broadcast the price she gave me, as prices fluctuate and she would rather
deal with individuals and give them pricing based on the size of their
order. So I'll respect that. It's not so low that I'll buy one just
because (like I did Paul B's 5/5V clearance Intel cards) but it's something
I'm debating.

There is a possibility of re-evaluation of the pricing if "large volumes"
of interest are generated based on inquiries from the list.

Anyway, if you wish to get a nice new card, and have security of knowing
it's new and warranteed, this company is available (you'll pay perhaps a
little bit more but perhaps be more secure). So give them an email if
you've been thinking of getting a new card.


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