Re: NTLK Re: Select All Package?

From: Brian McEwen (
Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 16:36:03 CDT

>* Chris Browder <> on Thu, 08 Jun 2000
>| I know I am not insane. I saw somewhere once a Select all button
>| that took effect in every application with a check box (like names in
>| overview mode)... If anyone knows where this app is I could use a copy of
>| it!
>Extras Select All from Softwarebüro Müller (SMB).

I have been looking for a while to find a way to "select all" in Names as
Chris mentions above; SBM has freebies to select all in Extras, and in the
In/Out box, but I've not seen anything that will work in Names (OS 2.0 MP's
do not have a select all checkbox in Names by default).

Nick's Mark-It adds a "select all" box in names, but it is for working with
text fields, not for the checkboxes of the overview mode.

I'm sure someone wrote one somewhen, but I've not found it yet, even after
quite a bit of looking around.


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