Re: NTLK Jot v Calligrapher v Newton

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 03:54:08 CDT

on 07-06-2000 12:03, Michael Manthey at

> The quality of
> the letter-by-letter recognizer diminishes noticeably if after writing in
> English for a while you switch back to German (somehow the built-in
> dictionary must be involved even in "print-mode"),

Michael, you should get DictMgr and switch off
"commons(attributed)(forward)" I saw an immense improvement when writing
languages other than English (French, German and Dutch, so also quite a few
accents involved)
There is also a user on this list (Jeroen Goulooze) that developed a Dutch
Dictionary together with Paul Guyot, maybe you should get together with Paul
and develop a German dictionary (however, isn't there a German 2000 already,
maybe you can port the dictionary ?)

>and I also noticed that
> our green little friend reacts very nervously to wheather-changes, of
> which you have a lot in the Rhineland (in that respect we have sth. in
> common.)

Which greatly surprises me, I'm in a wet climate as well, so are New England
users like Rich, never heard this one before, seems there's something wrong
with your Newton.

Robert Benschop

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