Re: NTLK Rotling disapeared???

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Jun 06 2000 - 13:19:38 CDT

Mike Hellers wrote:

> For those who want more info on the Rotring Quattro Data pen, look at the
> follwoing URL for a nice review of the pen:
> BTW, I am using one since over a year and very happy with it, if you can
> accept the fact that of course it will not fit into the Messagepad.

Well, I already accepted this fact with the Cross DuoWriter and the DigitalWriter. What I did like in the DuoWriter was the ability to have a pen ballpoint in addition of the stylus,
and speaking of the stylus, the legendary Cross stylus tip. However, the Duo has only one end cap, so it means that whether you're keeping the stylus tip unprotected, or you keep the
pen ballpoint unprotected (and you're messing everything that comes in contact with it). I was also kind of disappointed a bit when I started using the DuoWriter, as it seems that the
DigitalWriter tip is most softer then the tip of the Duo. But I like the multi-function pen, so I'm still using it. And the tip is still a great one, even if I personally prefer the tip
on the DigitalWriter.

Now, when I saw the Rotring, I thought that this would be a nice multi-function pen to have, in addition of protecting the stylus tip when you're not using it. So, my multiple messages
to the list in order to get some feedback.

Did you ever try the Cross tip? How do you like the Quattro tip, as opposed to the other tips you might have tried? We all heard about the outstanding quality of the Rotring pens, but
would you recommend it? Specially for use with a PDA?

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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