Re: NTLK Re: Shreve Memory Cards

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Sun Jun 04 2000 - 14:34:33 CDT

on 03-06-2000 1:50, Peter Apockotos at wrote:

> The USPS has tracking (Delivery Confirmation) just like any other
> shipper and they can also make it Certified so that particular person
> signs for it.

Yeah, I used that for some time when I shipped eMates, the first one still
has to get back to me and I started using those Delivery Confirmation cards
about a year and a half ago, so I wouldn't put my trust in those.
In the meantime I just forget about the confirmation and trust my customers
(quite a few come/came through this list and haven't had any foul play so
On the other side, if somebody would report an eMate missing I would report
it with the USPS and send another one in the meantime, but as far as I know
their reputation that's not really what Shreve Systems would do.

Robert Benschop

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